Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Learning to LIVE with Less

My husband and I have ventured our way into a new land of sorts. It started out with an article he passed me one day last summer and said, "how about this for an idea?". The article you ask, something to the effect of living a vagabond lifestyle. Of course my first thought was one of plenty, plenty of not wanting to do it! As time has marched on in our life and we have started to make way for space in our little home, we have seemingly moved into an era of living our life with less and at the same time, I feel as though having less "things" and not so much clutter is allowing me to LIVE more. I felt for many years that what we had was going to make us what others might have seen us to be but after tragic loss and the struggle to revitalize our son, I see that living with less is going to do more for us.

It is a very hard struggle to choose items to give away or no longer own but I'm finding in the freedom it is giving way for more dedicated thoughts of what I hope for to be what our family's life will be about. Who do I want to be? I feel at an impasse you could say, stay at home mom with an almost four year old wanting my life to have some purpose. To be able to enjoy the time I take to do something and feel good after having done it.  I want to create and share with others, have beauty and learn. I want to be a good friend and good mom and good wife. I want to excel and pray that with less, God will be able to show me more of who I am.

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